Welcome to
The La Sala Writers Salon
A monthly gathering of the most brilliant bookish minds doing decidedly unbrilliant things.

Next Salon

The September Salon is raising money for THE TREVOR PROJECT and features iconic guests Phil Stamper, Aiden Thomas, and Sierra Elmore!

A salon is a gathering of people held by an inspiring host.
Your host is author Ryan La Sala, who, while not quite inspiring, is definitely trying very hard. The goal of The Salon is to gather the age’s brightest minds for an evening of illumination, chaos, and fun. Salons are held monthly, via YouTube, and everyone is invited as spectator. Guest come and go. Games are won and lost. The veil is pierced.
And so on. Won’t you join us?

Past Salons
Summer 2021
Summer's Last Picnic
Featuring: Claribel A. Ortega and Phil Stamper, with special guests Kimberly Jones and Gilly Segal. Over 200$ raised for We Need Diverse Books!
May 2021
May Day! May Day! Help!
Featuring: Claribel A. Ortega and Phil Stamper, with special guests Dhonielle Clayton, Mark Oshiro, and Zoraida Córdova
April 2021
April's Fools, Satan's Tools
Esteemed Guests: Kosoko Jackson, Kat Cho, Phil Stamper and Claribel Ortega
Amount Raise: $510 raised for the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
March 2021
In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb
Esteemed Guests: Mark Oshiro, Phil Stamper, Zoraida Córdova
If you are interested in having one of your authors featured in an upcoming Salon, and/or if you are interested in sponsoring a salon, please fill out the contact form here.