That’s RIGHT! I’m not sure exactly when, or even exactly how, but someday soon you will not only be able to READ my words. You will be able to HEAR them, too.
And not just because I’ve memorized my entire book during revisions and can’t stop whispering it to myself while doing mundane tasks!
Seriously tho: I heard from my agent on Monday that REVERIE is going to be produced as an audiobook by Recorded Books, the largest independent producer of audiobooks in ~~the world~~.
Here’s a graphic I made, to celebrate.

I’m very excited about this for a few reason:
- Accessibility is important to me! There are tools that turn traditional print and ebook formats into more accessible versions, but I’m pleased there will be a fully realized audio production. More formats mean more diversity in listening options.
- Can’t you envision me blasting this at parties? I personally cannot wait to dance to such lively hits as “Kane is crying again,” and “Ursula’s battle princess beatdown for the 6th time.”
- I likely will not be doing the reading, which is okay! I am really looking forward to hearing my work expressed through someone else, for once. I can’t wait to hear the narrator <3
- I texted my dad about this and he said, “Good. I like those.” So this is Frank approved!
Per Recorded Book’s site, they distribute through a ton of super popular retailers, but I have no idea if that’s book-to-book or what. So we shall see. For now I’m just excited for the opportunity to realize REVERIE on the sonic stage. 🙂 🙂