Moon Twilight Flash Fiction

I’m not super patient. Sometime in early 2018 I was waiting for revision notes from some critique partners, and I didn’t want to start something big just to abandon it. I needed to work on something fun and not important. Or at least not imperative. My agent asked if I was going to start another book and I told her that what I really wanted to do was just write Sailor Moon fanfiction, and she was all like, “Cooool you should just do it.” And so I did.

Hotaru Was, Is, Will Be As the reborn Hotaru’s powers re-awaken, so do memories of her tragic past at the hands of the Outer Senshi

Elements Sailor Moon urges Sailor Mars to investigate an imposter among their ranks

The Shapes of WaterEudial, fire-wielder of the Witches 5, faces an unlikely opponent years after fleeing Tokyo